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Kentucky 2023

Hosted in Louisville Friday, September 15, 2023 7:15 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. EDT

Event Overview

Experience the entrepreneurial energy of thought leaders all in one room.

The Vistage Executive Summit has been crafted to inspire your leadership, equip you with latest findings in research, future-proof your business with economic insights, and most importantly, build connection with the powerful leaders in your community.

  • ITR Economics brings the economic landscape into view and helps leaders navigate the uncertainties ahead.
  • Vistage Research shares findings from the CEO Confidence Index to help leaders make better decisions quicker.
  • Leadership keynote will wrap up the day on an inspiring and thoughtful note. More details coming soon.
  • Thought leaders present breakout sessions on top-of-mind topics with fresh perspectives.

As a Vistage member, enjoy world-class leadership content and the opportunity to meet new faces in your community. Your insight and impact will make the day even more valuable!

The Member Excellence Awards program will celebrate incredible member stories in your community. Winners and finalists will be showcased at the Executive Summit. Learn more and nominate a member today!

Get ready for the day by downloading the My Vistage app and logging in. Expect to access speaker materials and more resources through the app on the day of the event.

Available for Vistage members only.

Event Speakers

Taylor St. Germain

Economist and Speaker, ITR Economics

A Changing Landscape

Interest rates, inflation, labor, military conflicts, and a presidential election are on the minds of most leaders as they make plans for the rest of 2024 and prepare for 2025. Join us as we look at the trends for 2024, including a weakening economy, lower inflation, and a shift in consumer spending. We will take a look at key markets, both domestic and global. The presentation will give you valuable insights in time to develop tactics and strategies to beat the cycle and prepare for the business cycle rise ahead. Knowing what to watch for and the probable timing of the reversal to rise will give you confidence as you enact plans that enable you to get the most out of 2024 and 2025 while simultaneously getting ahead of your competitors.

Sandy Gennaro

The Rock n’ Roll Thought Leader, Beat The Odds Productions

Beat the Odds in Business and Life

My ½ century of navigating the murky, shark-infested waters of the music business has cultivated in me a keen sense of business AND people management, the highlights of which are divulged during my presentation intertwined with video and live drumming. I illustrate how corporate leadership correlates with being a drummer in a band. My audience is involved and participates in my presentation, much like a workforce should be with their leadership/organization. At the core of the principles represented by the acronym B.E.A.T.S.

  • Belief
  • Enthusiasm
  • Attitude
  • Tenacity
  • Service

Anne Petrik

Vice President of Research, Vistage Worldwide, Inc.

Decision Factors 2023: Unleashing Workforce Productivity

CEOs are facing a dynamic set of rapidly evolving factors that will influence their decisions as the post pandemic reality comes into focus. Once an emerging trend, remote work and the demands of an empowered workforce are challenging CEOs to attract and retain high performers. Throughout the day, as emcee, Anne will weave perspectives on how to adapt the workplace to unleash workforce productivity with the latest data and insights from Vistage Research.


Omni Louisville Downtown

7:15 a.m.
Registration opens

Check-in and pick up your badge. Breakfast buffet served in the Marketplace.

7:45 a.m.
Breakfast Sessions with industry experts

  • Your Results-Guaranteed B2B Marketing Plan
  • Transforming Your Business Through Intelligent Process Automation
  • Building Sustainable & Transferable Business Value: A 4-Stage Process

8:45 a.m.

Visit sponsors and the wider Vistage community in the Marketplace.

9 a.m.
Taylor St. Germain, ITR Economics

A deep dive into the economic issues facing your market.

10:30 a.m.

Visit sponsors and the wider Vistage community in the Marketplace.

11:00 a.m.
Vistage Research & Connection Activity

Meet Vistage peers in a structured networking activity.

12:00 p.m.

Lunch buffet served in the Marketplace.

12:25 p.m.
Lunch Sessions with industry experts

  • CEO's Candid Guide to Right People, Right Job, Right Fit To Scale the Business
  • The Nine Steps To a Much Longer Life with Robust Health
  • Preparing for a Strategic Exit

1:35 p.m.
Sandy Gennaro

Learn how "B.E.A.T.S" drum up the ideal leadership balance.

3:10 p.m.
Community Reception

Celebrate your community's Vistage Member Excellence Award winners and finalists and connect with fellow peers. Refreshments to be served in the Marketplace.

*agenda subject to change

Breakout sessions

7:45 - 8:45 a.m.

Breakfast Session | Your Results-Guaranteed B2B Marketing Plan

Presenter: Jee Vahn Knight, Vice President of Growth, RedRover Sales and Marketing Strategy

In this workshop, learn the proven process for developing a measurable B2B marketing plan with predictable returns, driving sustainable growth for your business.

By the end of this session, you will be able to:

  • Discuss the six building blocks of a results-guaranteed marketing plan.

  • Identify the existing gaps in your current strategy development process.

  • Use the GO RISE framework to vet your own plans.

Topic: Sales & Marketing

7:45 - 8:45 a.m.

Breakfast Session | Transforming Your Business Through Intelligent Process Automation

Presenter: Mark Shivers, Founder & CEO, Ignite IPA

Are you worried about hiring/retaining staff? Are you nervous about inflation or a potential recession/depression? Are you looking to grow your business but are concerned about the increased costs? Leveraging automation can help companies of all sizes support their corporate strategy and achieve high ROI by reducing expenses, avoiding costs, accelerating revenue, and creating more efficient business processes. In this session you will learn about intelligent process automation technologies, and how other companies have leveraged them to achieve higher margins. Opt-in-participants will receive a complimentary opportunity identification assessment focused on creating a quantifiable pipeline of value-based automation opportunities.

Topic:  Technology

7:45 - 8:45 a.m.

Breakfast Session | Building Sustainable & Transferable Business Value: A 4-Stage Process

Presenter: David Tramontana, President, FocusCFO

Join FocusCFO's David Tramontana as he shares his journey of building sustainable and transferable business value in this presentation. He highlights the four essential steps — foundation, health, growth, and value — and shares the lessons he learned and the pitfalls he encountered on his entrepreneurial journey, which eventually led to a successful exit with a $40 million payout. Attendees will discover the importance of identifying their "hedgehog," having trusted advisors, and how a fractional CFO can help align strategy with numbers. This presentation provides valuable insights for businesses to increase their value and build a solid foundation for future success.

Topic: Exit & Succession Planning

12:25 - 1:25 p.m.

Lunch Session | CEO's Candid Guide to Right People, Right Job, Right Fit To Scale the Business

Presenter: AJ Shaefer & Mike Hall, Executive Advisors, Culture Index

Join the Culture Index team to reveal the true fit of your executive team and leaders- who is in the right seat and who is not? Do you have the right team in place to scale your business? Not getting the top and bottom line growth by not hiring and obtaining the right team? In this session, you will be prepped to utilize data to make more objective human decisions in securing the right talent in order to drive sustainable growth. Walk away with new insights, tips, and practices to implement into your business and better align your people.

Topic: Leadership: Communication & Alignment

12:25 - 1:25 p.m.

Lunch Session | The Nine Steps To a Much Longer Life with Robust Health

Presenter: John Asher, CEO, Asher Longevity Institute

A happy, healthy and highly motivated team will contribute directly to robust business growth. In this session, participants will learn:

  • An integration of all current information about health, wellness and longevity.

  • The significant possibility of living to 112 with great health by following current guidelines from longevity experts integrated into a “longevity pyramid.”

  • The average lifespan of US adults is 77 years, and the average health span is only 63 years. This presentation shows how to gain 23 years of lifespan and 23 years of health span.

  • Taking care of your team today contributes to greater success tomorrow.

Topic: Wellness

12:25 - 1:25 p.m.

Lunch Session | Preparing for a Strategic Exit

Presenter: Kellie Sheryak, CEPA , Managing Director , UBS Private Wealth Management

Where you are today is a result of your hard work and passion for the business you’ve built. But what comes next? 100% of business owners exit their business; the question becomes: how much control will you have over that process? We give examples of ways we have helped our clients plan their strategic exit, as well as our top five wealth management ideas for business owners.

Topic: Personal Development: Exit & Succession Planning



Omni Louisville Downtown
400 S 2nd St
Louisville, KY