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Austin 2024

Monday, April 15, 2024 7:15 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. CDT

Beyond Limits

Going above and beyond is ingrained in everything you do. You know it takes determination to push beyond conventional limits. Every day you navigate through uncertainty and respond to emerging challenges – pushing the boundaries of your leadership.

The Vistage Executive Summit is just one stop on your limitless journey to explore new horizons, embrace innovation and pursue ambitious goals. Breakthrough results happen when you redefine limitations and go beyond what you thought possible. Join like-minded peers who refuse to be confined to the well-worn path and unlock your full potential.

Break free from traditional thinking. Challenge the status quo. Propel your leadership to the next level.

Event Speakers

Sandy Gennaro

The Rock n’ Roll Thought Leader, Beat The Odds Productions

Beat the Odds in Business and Life

My ½ century of navigating the murky, shark-infested waters of the music business has cultivated in me a keen sense of business AND people management, the highlights of which are divulged during my presentation intertwined with video and live drumming. I illustrate how corporate leadership correlates with being a drummer in a band. My audience is involved and participates in my presentation, much like a workforce should be with their leadership/organization. At the core of the principles represented by the acronym B.E.A.T.S.

  • Belief
  • Enthusiasm
  • Attitude
  • Tenacity
  • Service

Taylor St. Germain

Economist and Speaker, ITR Economics

A Changing Landscape

Interest rates, inflation, labor, military conflicts, and a presidential election are on the minds of most leaders as they make plans for the rest of 2024 and prepare for 2025. Join us as we look at the trends for 2024, including a weakening economy, lower inflation, and a shift in consumer spending. We will take a look at key markets, both domestic and global. The presentation will give you valuable insights in time to develop tactics and strategies to beat the cycle and prepare for the business cycle rise ahead. Knowing what to watch for and the probable timing of the reversal to rise will give you confidence as you enact plans that enable you to get the most out of 2024 and 2025 while simultaneously getting ahead of your competitors.

Anne Petrik

VP of Research, Vistage Worldwide, Inc.

As Emcee, Anne will share key data and insights from the latest Vistage CEO Confidence Index. This Index, derived quarterly from surveys completed by Vistage members nationwide, has been identified by ITR Economics as a leading indicator of U.S. Industrial Production Index trends, predicting changes 9 months in advance.


AT&T Hotel & Conference Center at UT Austin

7:15 am
Event Opens

7:45 am
Breakfast Sessions with Industry Experts

Breakfast buffet served

  • Is Your Company Investment Grade? 12 Key Factors to Attract an Outsized Valuation
  • Succession by Design, Not Default ™
  • Transforming Your Business Through Intelligent Process Automation
  • Are You in Control? Control & Grow Your Business with Scalable Systems

  • 8:45 am

    9:00 am
    ITR Economics
    A deep dive into the economic forecast facing your market.

    10:35 am

    11:05 am
    Vistage Research & Networking

    12:00 pm
    Buffet lunch served in the Marketplace.

    12:30 pm
    Lunch Sessions with Industry Experts

    Lunch buffet served

  • How Smart Companies Spend Less & Save Time by Rethinking Executive Talent
  • CEO's Candid Guide to Right People, Right Job, Right Fit To Scale the Business
  • Turn on the Financial Headlights: Maximize Your Profitability & Success
  • Actionable Strategies for Mastering Financial Optionality

  • 1:30 pm

    1:40 pm
    Connection Activity

    2:00 pm
    Sandy Genarro, Beat the Odds in Business and Life

    3:25 pm
    Community Reception
    Celebrate your community's Vistage Member Excellence Award winners and finalists and connect with fellow peers. Refreshments to be served in the Marketplace.

    4:00 pm
    Event Close

    Breakout sessions

    7:45 - 8:45 a.m.

    Is Your Company Investment Grade? 12 Key Factors to Attract an Outsized Valuation

    Presenter: Zane Tarence, Managing Director and Partner, Founders Advisors, Vistage Speaker


    Given today’s dynamic M&A climate, business owners need a candid market perspective on what drives enterprise value. Join us to learn:

    • What it takes to attract an outsized valuation from institutional grade buyers

    • A 20 minute market based approach to assess your company’s “investability” -

    • Top 5 deal breakers and seller missteps

    • How to better align operational focus with value creation

    Topic: Financials: Mergers & Acquisitions

    7:45 - 8:45 a.m.

    Succession by Design, Not Default ™

    Presenter: Jim Erben, President, Erben Associates


    Without a written plan, confusion and heartbreak are on the other side of a succession or exit from the business. Jim uses storytelling to provide insight and best practices from his 30 years of succession planning experience.

    Our proven guide will offer relief to owners — regardless of their stage of business.


    Topic: Talent Management: Succession Planning

    7:45 - 8:45 a.m.

    Transforming Your Business Through Intelligent Process Automation

    Presenter: Mark Shivers, CEO & Nick Tabone, Director of Client Education


    Are you worried about hiring/retaining staff? Are you nervous about inflation or a potential recession/depression? Are you looking to grow your business but are concerned about the increased costs?
    Leveraging automation can help companies of all sizes support their corporate strategy and achieve high ROI by reducing expenses, avoiding costs, accelerating revenue, and creating more efficient business processes. In this session you will learn about intelligent process automation technologies, and how other companies have leveraged them to achieve higher margins. Opt-in-participants will receive a complimentary opportunity identification assessment focused on creating a quantifiable pipeline of value-based automation opportunities.

    Topic: Business Operations: Technology

    7:45 - 8:45 a.m.

    Are You in Control? Control & Grow Your Business with Scalable Systems

    Presenter: Michael Johnson, Director of Growth, Fast Slow Motion


    Gain insights from the experience of hundreds of companies across different industries to highlight the fundamental principles of scalable systems. These systems are the methods that businesses use to drive their growth utilizing the Salesforce and Hubspot platforms. Obtain actionable insights into common mistakes that companies make that hinder their growth. Leave with a framework to analyze your business and identify opportunities to gain better control over your future using tools you likely already own.

    Topic: Business Operations: Technology

    12:30 - 1:30 p.m.

    How Smart Companies Spend Less & Save Time by Rethinking Executive Talent

    Presenter: Matt Blumberg, CEO, Bolster


    In challenging economic times, CEOs are forced to be smarter with every dollar they spend. Leveraging the power of AI as well as the rise of the fractional executive are two key strategies businesses can use to manage tight budgets while still getting access to the expertise needed to scale. In this session, we’ll cover:

    • How companies are thinking outside the box when it comes to traditional full-time hiring

    • Where AI, fractional executives, and functional mentors can play a role in managing budgets

    • Why a strategic talent roadmap is critical to future success and scalability

    Topic: Talent Management: Hiring, Recruiting, Sourcing

    12:30 - 1:30 p.m.

    CEO's Candid Guide to Right People, Right Job, Right Fit To Scale the Business

    Presenter: Advisors from Culture Index


    Join the Culture Index team to reveal the true fit of your executive team and leaders- who is in the right seat and who is not? Do you have the right team in place to scale your business? Not getting the top and bottom line growth by not hiring and obtaining the right team? In this session, you will be prepped to utilize data to make more objective human decisions in securing the right talent in order to drive sustainable growth. Walk away with new insights, tips, and practices to implement into your business and better align your people.

    Topic: Leadership: Communication & Alignment

    12:30 - 1:30 p.m.

    Turn on the Financial Headlights: Maximize Your Profitability & Success

    Presenter: K. Scott Crawford, Partner, Preferred CFO


    The future can't be predicted, but with proper tools and strategies, businesses can “Turn on the Headlights,” increasing their opportunity for prosperity while reducing risk of failure. In this session, Scott Crawford of Preferred CFO presents tools and strategies that help stakeholders elevate their company's fiscal health, confidence, and strategy by:

    • Understanding the importance and intricacies of a forward-facing financial strategy—and how to execute it.

    • Evaluating a financial teams' capabilities and ability to provide actionable information.

    • Tracking the right metrics to better inform the future.

    • Harnessing the power of forecasting to more confidently achieve goals through data-backed decision making.

    Topic: Financials: Financial Management

    12:30 - 1:30 p.m.

    Actionable Strategies for Mastering Financial Optionality

    Presenter: Paul J. Brahim, CFP®, AIFA | Managing Director, SVP - Financial Advisor, Wealth Enhancement Group, Vistage Member


    Does your financial plan give you optionality? Do you have the freedom to walk away from your business without having to sell it? Entrepreneurs excel at planning for the future of their businesses, but they often neglect their personal finances. Great outcomes don’t just happen – they require thoughtful planning and a keen understanding of your goals and priorities. In this session, you’ll learn how a real-life Vistage member with a 60-year-old family-run business created optionality using integrated, time-tested principles of tax, estate and investment planning.

    Topic: Financials: Financial Management

