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Vistage Chairs guide top business leaders to make better decisions and get better results

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Benefits of a Vistage Chair Practice

Earn recurring income

There’s no limit on the number of groups you can launch. And once launched, Chief Executive members stay 5+ years on average.


As an independent contractor, you can build a practice that suits your schedule and ambition.

A proven, structured framework

Working with peak performing CEOs and top executives for more than 60 years, Vistage has created a proprietary approach to coaching that gets results.

Build your practice with a global brand

Vistage is highly respected in the business community. As a Chair, you’d have the full support and power of a global brand behind your marketing efforts.

What is a Vistage Chair?

Our leadership guides are called Vistage Chairs. They’re accomplished leaders who’ve led companies to greater heights throughout their careers. Now, they are at a place in their lives where they’re ready to help other leaders plant flags on their dreams.

Not ready to become a Vistage Chair? Learn more about membership.


What our Chairs say:

Jed Daly

Vistage Chair since 2013 | Los Angeles, CA

I was a CEO for 25 years in the film business. I was looking for something to do with the rest of my life that would have a lot of impact, some way to leverage my skills and experience. There’s no retirement age for a Vistage Chair, you can do this for as long as you’re physically and mentally able. And it’s a way for those of us who’ve had success in our lives to take what we’ve learned and help other people and hopefully create a positive impact on society.

Robert Powell

Vistage Chair since 2014 | Pittsburgh, PA

The very first member I ever signed is still with me. He was working close to 80 hours a week and wanted to spend more time with his grandkids. Fast forward to six years later. He’s probably working two days a week now. His business is stronger than ever. He has got a succession plan in place and he gives me a lot of credit for that. And I think all I did was really just push him on a path that he was destined for. I tease him — when are you going to transition so the next person can join the group? He says, Well, we’ll just kind of wait on that. I enjoy it too much.

Tom Leonard

Vistage Chair since 1998 | Seattle, WA

All other consulting gigs, for the most part, are transactional or programmatic. My friends who are doing mostly straight consulting, have to find it, mind it, and grind it kind of cycle. With Vistage, if you’ve got a really powerful group, you’re doing good work, you’re not having to bring in new clients all the time, and you can be in charge or your life.

Carol Steinberg

Vistage Chair since 2016 | Philadelphia , PA

What I’d like to share with people who are maybe thinking about becoming a Vistage Chair, is this was never on my radar. And I will say, it is the most fulfilling business initiative that I have ever undertaken. I’m so happy that I get to do what I do every day. It never gets stale and it is so unbelievably rewarding when you see the impact that you make on others. It’s- um, it’s the best thing.