Central Pennsylvania business community welcomes Chad Harvey’s newest Vistage group for owners and executives

San Diego, October 27, 2016 — Vistage Chair Chad Harvey has announced the formation of his newest executive group in Central Pennsylvania.  Harvey will drive results for his group members using a proprietary issue processing method to tackle their most challenging business questions. More than 40 executives, business owners, and CEOs around the world rely on local area groups to get the most out of their businesses.

Chad said, “When I was a child my imagination seemed boundless. Working with my Vistage group has allowed me to reconnect with that inner imagineer to better serve others. Every day provides new opportunities, ideas, and friends that enable me to create meaningful change.”

Chad Harvey is Owner of The Result Center and Midtown Development, LLC and serves as Strategic Advisor to Naqi Logics, LLC. He is passionate about servant leadership and enabling innovation, and is a veteran executive who cultivates his own insight and that of others. During his career, he has led several organizations where he has been privileged to revitalize, support, and motivate dynamic teams—and bring new technologies to life. Chad holds a Juris Doctor from the Pennsylvania State University’s Dickinson School of Law.

About Vistage Worldwide, Inc.
Vistage is the world’s largest CEO coaching and peer advisory organization for small and midsize businesses. For more than 65 years, we’ve been helping CEOs, business owners and key executives solve their greatest challenges through confidential peer groups and one-to-one executive coaching sessions. Today, more than 45,000 members in 40 countries rely on Vistage to help make better decisions for their companies, families and communities. The results prove it: Vistage CEO members grew their annual revenue on average by 4.6% in 2020, while nonmembers with comparable small and midsize businesses saw revenue decrease by 4.7%, according to a study of Dun & Bradstreet data. Learn more at vistage.com.

Media Contact
Katie McWeeney
| Vistage
858.523.6875 | katie.mcweeney@vistage.com