Customer Engagement

The Secret Weapons on Creating Heroic Content

We all know that “content is king,” but it is not just enough to write and hit the ‘publish’ button after every content that you produce. Companies know that crafting content that works and ranks is very important, especially for their target users. Thus, the wise rule here still works, that quality is always preferred over quantity. And to achieve these, they need to put into practice content marketing.

Creating Heroic ContentThe Content Marketing Institute reports that adoption of content marketing is still rising, with 93% of marketers using content marketing in 2013 compared to 91% in 2012. Seeing that a lot of businesses practice content marketing, your content needs to survive in this ever-vast kingdom of the internet to be able to reach out and engage with your audience. Therefore, you need to be equipped on how to create heroic content.

Heroic content, simply put, is one that is strong, compelling, engaging, and can protect your brand. Here are some of the secret weapons in order to develop great content consistently and hit your targets.

The Content Purpose Is the Key

Since it is so easy nowadays to create a website with a single click, the sea of information available to users have been so wide and deep with some of them being irrelevant or no purpose at all. The reason behind this is that some people just copy content in order to get site visits. They hope that their content survives by simply publishing content again and again without a purpose. Some have a purpose, but it is for the wrong reasons. They just create content for themselves, rather than about their target users or customers.

Through your content, you should attract your audience by providing information that is of value to them. This should be your top priority when creating content which has a purpose. Marko Saric’s Business 2 Community article states that your audience has unlimited options when they search the internet, thus you need to stand out with a compelling copy that adds value to their lives. One way on how to create strong and compelling content is to research on your audience’s preferences so that you can align your content’s purpose to it. Some of the guide questions that you can use include, “What kind of information do they want?” “How do they want the information to be presented?” “Is the information that I have valuable for their lives?”

People want to read and view stuff over the internet that is useful in their lives. Put yourself into your target users’ shoes to know their needs and wants. Always keep in mind that your content is a product that fills the need of your market. Make sure that people will gain insights and answers through the content that you will provide them.

Create Content for Your Brand Users, Not Just For the Brand Itself

People love stories, especially those that are trending via social media. In order to be seen and heard, you can publish a unique piece of information before anyone else does. But if not, your content can still be timely by tapping into existing conversations in the internet. As a brand, you need to create posts with human emotions—these are emotion-based content that can either excite people or can indicate that they do have an interest on what you’re offering them. Be aware of key emotions to tap for brand engagement to make sure that upon publishing your content, people will be moved to be more engaging and eventually avail of your services. Since brands also have the power to help people create their ideal self through their products or services, it’s easy to convince them to purchase because they either feel good, look beautiful, or feel rich with a certain brand.

It is not enough to publish content that just plainly says what’s best about your brand. You need to have emotional connections weaved into your content, and incorporate emotion marketing to touch their hearts.

One good example for this is the LUNA brand. Last year, they produced a web video series entitled “Debunking the Diet,” which has a tagline, “Strong beats skinny any day of the week!” They had actress/comedienne Erin Gibson to add a humor appeal to certain nutritional concerns of American women. She had interviews from women about what they have to say on dietary myths, and afterwards she gives the advice of experts to prove that those myths are wrong. The brand was useful and effective, since LUNA knows what their audience needs and what they appreciate as well.

For you to have brand emotions that will empower content engagement, you need to use real words that your target market can easily relate to. This should go beyond your usual way of explaining your brand’s features to your clients. Always ensure that you create content that others can be a part of. Use photos, infographics, videos, and other forms of media to better communicate your message. Be authentic and real to your brand’s mission and what you want to represent.

Ranking Is Another Thing

You need to be aware that not many people can see your content once you publish it. Make use of an effective content marketing strategy for your brand to promote and build your audience. Maximize the power of effective tools for content marketing such as social media and do inform everyone that a new post is up every time you publish a new content for increased awareness and engagement. Get the help of an SEO expert to see if your content is working through the analytics data. If it doesn’t, make the necessary adjustments for people to like and share your content.

The internet is indeed full of content that is either good or bad. Stand out from the rest by following these secret weapons to create the heroic content that will have a long reign and serve your audience’s needs.

Category : Customer Engagement

About the Author: Jona Jone

Jona Jone was a mortgage originator in Philadelphia, PA and is now a Business and Property Specialist. She writes about real estate investment, business, parenting and

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