
5 Ways to Fuel Massive Growth in 2015

Fuel Massive Growth

Does your business have the technological, marketing and corporate culture musts that 2015 demands for success? Is your company prepared to compete for highly socially connected consumers, and to keep and recruit top-level talent in your workforce? Will your company be a driving force, or forced out by the coming year’s marketplace trends?

From widespread use of smart technology to the hub of social networks steering consumerism and workforce productivity alike, 2015 is gearing up to change the way we do business in an unprecedented way. Noted in The Wall Street Journal/Vistage Small Business CEO Survey, an overwhelming 74 percent vote of confidence from small to medium business owners and CEOs are anticipating increased sales revenue and more than 61 percent are expecting an increase in the total number of their employees over the next 12 months; understanding how to connect with and engage the global marketplace will be crucial in the coming year. The Internet of Things will continue to dictate the quantitative and qualitative standards of consumer and employee interactions with companies and businesses, and as a result the relevance and profitability of those companies. With an impact growing as great as their numbers, Millennials have come of age and are contenders to become the employee and consumer majority with 80-million entering the workforce and an estimated $200 billion in direct and $500 billion in indirect spending power.

As technology grows more user-convenient, from employees being able to better manage their work-life balance, to consumers’ purchasing power becoming instantaneous and opinion-based, success will be found with businesses that create value from the experience of using and or working with the brand, personalizing brand association, and brand accountability through communication and accessibility. Top industry experts share their insights with Vistage in a 2015 forecast on leveraging emerging trends in technology, marketing, sales, human resources, and corporate culture to strengthen and grow business. There will be no second place for companies that recognize and adapt these trends into their strategic plans.

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Fuel Massive Growth

Category : Technology

About the Author: Marisa Holladay

A highly accomplished writer and producer, Marisa Holladay is well-known and respected for her uncanny ability to discern cultural and transgenerational target-market relevancies and nuances; identifying a brand’s unique voice; and blending …

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  1. Dana L. Turner

    December 15, 2014 at 1:25 am

    As Co-owner of a new business venture I genuinely appreciate Vistage sharing their wealth of experience with me.

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