
4 steps to a winning digital marketing process

A winning digital marketing process 

A proven business process is needed in the competitive world of digital marketing. The good news is we have developed and refined a process over the past 20 years that has proven effective. Your digital marketing efforts will get similar results by following this process and setting it as the structure and framework for your digital marketing team.

4 steps to web marketing success

These four steps help assign action items, provide direction for team members, help measure ROI, prevent digital marketing mistakes and more.

  1. Strategy
  2. Website design and development
  3. Traffic generation
  4. Monitoring ROI and tracking results

The four-step process is also a method for evaluating and filtering digital marketing ideas from various sources. It helps you cut through the clutter to determine the best ROI from digital marketing. Use these four steps to understand the right way to market online. When you hear many different viewpoints, the answer is to focus on process and the key strategies that are fundamental, digital marketing truths. Follow the process because it works.

Common sense is not so common in web marketing

When you first read these four steps you may think they are common sense and you are already there. However, were they common sense before or after you read them? We have found common sense is not so common in the world of digital marketing. The vast majority of companies do not follow these steps, but rather wing it or take direction from a strong personality on the digital marketing team. This is a major reason for the many poorly performing websites and digital strategies.

Also, many people get too close to their digital marketing work and use a sample size of one approach that can cause your digital marketing efforts to miss the mark. Just because you have a preference for how you do things online, does not mean your target market will respond the same way.

Follow each step in order

The steps should be followed in order, beginning with strategy. Many digital marketing mistakes happen because the steps are not followed properly, such as sending traffic to a website with a poor strategy or a site that is hard to use and navigate. Digital marketing begins with setting the proper strategy and then executing a website that follows that strategy. After the first two steps are in order, then the focus should be driving traffic. Step four is the ongoing process of tracking results and modifying the strategy to improve results.

The four steps give team members direction

Following these guidelines provides invaluable direction to your digital team and helps better define each team member’s role on the project. Developers should not be doing design work, designers should not be responsible for SEO or strategy, and content writers don’t need to track ROI. Get the right people in the right seats on the digital marketing bus.

The four steps drive action items

Prioritizing action items is a challenge because of the various skill sets needed to be successful in online marketing. The solution is to follow the action items within each step and let the process drive priorities. Make sure tasks are assigned to people with the right skill sets.

Take a look at the four steps again and commit them to memory. Digital marketing is challenging and this framework makes it more simple and manageable.

Immediate action items

Here are  questions and action items related to each step:

Strategy: Does the website translate the business?

Strategy: Write a digital marketing plan

Design: Is the website too cluttered and busy?

Design: Is the design appropriate for the target market?

Traffic: Is the website an excellent content resource?

Traffic: Is the website Google friendly?

Conversions: Is the website getting conversions and tracking Google Analytics?

Conversions: Schedule a digital marketing meeting with your team.

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About the Author: Vistage Staff

Vistage facilitates confidential peer advisory groups for CEOs and other senior leaders, focusing on solving challenges, accelerating growth and improving business performance. Over 45,000 high-caliber execu

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