Leadership Competencies

More Revenue, More Productivity – Heck, Who DOESN’T Want That …?

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There’s no other single business issue that an organization can focus on that delivers a higher return at a lower cost than employee engagement … nothing else even comes close.

“There’s no other single business issue that an organization can focus on that delivers a higher return at a lower cost than employee engagement,” explains employee engagement expert Donald Rheem. “There’s nothing that comes close.”

What does he mean?

Compare companies that have low levels of employee engagement to those that have high levels of employee engagement. What’s the difference?

Research shows that higher levels of employee engagement mean higher productivity — by as much as 30 or 40 percent. Business revenue can go up by double digits, too, as can customer loyalty.

Even better: Employee engagement often stems not from a specific initiative, but can occur organically. So, when you focus on employee engagement, you maximize your productivity and revenue all at the same time.

Don Rheem explains how to do just that in this exclusive Vistage Connect video:


This topic and more are included in the Vistage Connect™ peer advisory sessions. Learn more.

[EDITOR’S NOTE: This video is part I in a seven-video series, check back at Executive Street in a couple days to read “Three Quick Ways CEOs Can Improve Employee Engagement.”]

Category : Leadership Competencies

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About the Author: Nathan Denny

Nathan Denny is a writer/editor and content/search consultant based in California. Email him at nathan@nathandenny.com or find him on LinkedIn at linkedin.com/in/nathandenny a

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