Communication & Alignment

How Do You Deal With Problems Personally and Professionally?

Have you ever had a bad day? A bad week? A bad year?  Most likely the answer is yes.

Most people will agree life can be difficult. We all deal with problems every day, both personally and professionally. However, most of us experience great distress because we are trying to achieve an illusion somehow we learned growing up. And, that is “life is suppose to be easy”. But you know what? It’s not meant to be easy.

How Do You Deal With Problems Personally and Professionally?In fact, it will be messy, challenging and often difficult. That will be a given. And, do you know why? It’s because this world is made of up of people like us and we’re all a bit dysfunctional. Therefore, our own personal lives don’t always work well. Our relationships can become strained and unhealthy. Our ability to balance our professional and our personal lives is routinely in tension.

So, the number one essential when dealing with problems is not to deny them.

 In fact, I encourage you to embrace and accept your problems and challenges with an attitude of optimism.

Richard lighter in his book the Power of Purpose said it well. Life is either easy and unsatisfying or hard and satisfied.

You can’t get satisfaction, fulfillment and great accomplishment in life without working through the challenges and difficulties that you have around you every day.

What you make of your life depends upon the challenges you accept and embrace.

Action Step:

Observe this week how you are accepting and embracing problems. Begin to identify ways that you can handle the problem in a positive way.

Quote of the Week:

“Only you can control your attitude and how you respond to challenges in your life.”

Question of the Week:

What do you do to handle questions? Give me your insights.

Category : Communication & Alignment Retention & Engagement

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About the Author: Ron Jenson

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