Customer Engagement

4 Ways SEO Fits In To What You’re Already Doing

Search engine optimization, or “SEO”, is the process of increasing your website’s rankings on Google and other search engines. The overall goal of SEO is to increase the visits your website receives from Google and other search engines in order to produce more leads / revenue.

There are multiple factors Google considers when determining where to rank a website in their search results, but a big factor is the number of website links that your website has from other websites online. In order to grow rankings and therefore website traffic / revenue over time, you need to build links to your website.

Don’t Just Leave it Up to The SEO Team

Your SEO team will use multiple tactics to build links to your website, but the companies that eventually dominate their markets on Google are those that integrate “SEO link building” into their entire company.

Here are a few ways to integrate “link building” into your company’s other efforts that will eventually help you build a competitive advantage in terms of your rankings on Google.

Sending Out Press Releases?

Many companies send out press releases about upcoming products, events, or other news related to the company. While sending out press releases solely for SEO reasons is not recommended, there are a number of things to include in your press releases that can help your overall SEO strategy.

  • Link to your website- If a news outlet or other online publication picks up your press release, which often occurs if you distribute press releases through a PR wire service, then links you include in the original press release will often be included on their site.
  • Use keyword-links when possible- While linking to your homepage with provides SEO value, a link with a keyword leading to a specific page on your website provides much more SEO value. When possible, include 2-3 links within the content of your press release that lead to different pages on your website. Use a descriptive word or phrase related to the linked-to page as the link text.

Working With Creative Vendors?

If you’re working with any outside vendors, there could be a number of opportunities for online exposure and website links that you’re missing. For example, if you work with any sort of creative service providers, such as graphic designers, web developers, copywriters, marketing agencies, etc., they most likely have a website with an online portfolio or client list.

  • Request to be included on their website, either in their client list or in their portfolio.
  • Consider working with the vendor on a case study regarding how you utilize their services which can then be published on their website or blog This is great for the vendor and can provide valuable keyword-rich links leading to your website when included within the case study content.

Publishing Job Openings?

Getting the word out to qualified applicants about your job openings is crucial to building a great team. For that reason, you may be publishing your job openings on multiple different websites (i.e, etc.). These are all opportunities to get more links to your website.

  • Include a link to your company in format in all of your job postings.
  • Include keyword-rich links to 2-3 webpages on your website in the company description.

Both of these recommendations also apply to job postings that that are published on your own website, as many automated job boards may publish job postings directly from your website.

Exhibiting at a Conference?

Exhibiting at a conference can provide a few different link opportunities, some of which can provide substantial exposure for your business in front of the audience in attendance.

  • Ask to be included with a link to your website in the “exhibitors” list on the event’s website
  • Consider offering to provide industry commentary to the event’s website / blog, which would include an “about the author” section with links to your website.
  • Consider offering to be a panelist at the event, as your biography with website links can be published to the event’s panel descriptions on their website.

While pursuing an SEO campaign with a skilled team is important, the companies that build a sustainable SEO competitive advantage are those that integrate SEO into their entire company.

Share additional things in the comments that your company does where you think SEO may fit in, as there are bound to be many more opportunities than those listed above.


Jon Tucker is Senior Strategist at Compete Marketing Group, an SEO agency based in San Diego, California that helps businesses across the US increase their Google rankings in order to grow online revenues.  “searchengineoptimization

Category : Customer Engagement

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About the Author: Jon Tucker

Jon Tucker is Senior Strategist at Compete Marketing Group, an SEO agency based in San Diego, California that helps businesses across the US increase their Google rankings in order to grow online re…

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    • Thanks Jimmy and great to hear from you. Your SEO tips post has some great nuggets of information. I actually read through that quite awhile ago on your blog, but a refresher was helpful today.

      Hope business is going well for you these days.

  1. Awesome article Jon. Although SEO is a somewhat foreign topic to me, I’ve read about it before and about how important it is to drive traffic to your site. What was most interesting/new to me was your emphasis on inserting your own website links in job postings, press releases, and other outside sources of information.

    • Glad you liked it Nick. If you look through press releases and job postings from various companies you’re interested in, you’ll now start to notice which companies are actively integrating SEO and which are not.

      Thanks for the comment!

  2. Angelina

    March 12, 2012 at 11:43 pm

    Great article! No matter how much I read about it I still feel like I’m uncovering the mysteries of Google.  Thanks for this!

    • Glad you enjoyed it Angelina. There is definitely a lot of mystery to Google’s ranking decisions, but if you stick to a few foundation elements then you should do alright in terms of your own rankings.

      Were you able to check out which I linked to in the post above? It basically breaks down how Google determines rankings to 2 core factors: does Google understand your website and does Google consider you an authority.

  3. Great Post!  Easy way to spell out the seemingly mystical ways of SEO. Looking forward to more to come.

    • Glad you enjoyed the post Greg!

    • Glad you enjoyed the post Greg!

  4. Very Efficient and Enjoyable Article. Every sentence is insightful and provides executable steps that any business or entrepreneur can incorporate. Best of all it requires little to None SEO or technology experience as the different opportunities simply involve making requests by phone or email and speaking engagements. Extremely powerful concept which anyone with a website can embrace. Look forward to more posts like this in the future.

    • Glad you liked the post! That’s definitely the goal- to remove any technical or SEO-jargon from integrating SEO into your day to day business. Hope you can put it to use with BrazzleBerry- this can work to increase “Local SEO Rankings” on Google too.

    • Glad you liked the post! That’s definitely the goal- to remove any technical or SEO-jargon from integrating SEO into your day to day business. Hope you can put it to use with BrazzleBerry- this can work to increase “Local SEO Rankings” on Google too.

  5. Anonymous

    March 13, 2012 at 5:11 pm

    Jon, this is a great article. I appreciate how you framed it. I will be thinking more about sustainable seo practices while growing my biz. See you at entrepreneur day?

    • Hi Craig. Glad you liked the article- hope you can leverage it on Solo and other projects.

      I am going to head to Entrepreneur Day in a few minutes actually before a 1pm call. See you there!

  6. Parker29harris

    March 13, 2012 at 5:49 pm

    Very practical.

    • Anonymous

      March 14, 2012 at 5:53 pm

      Thanks Parker. Hope it helped with your own projects!

  7. Jen Morris

    March 19, 2012 at 7:03 pm

    Enjoyed how actionable each tip is–I can get started on these right away and some are already things I’m doing. Thanks for the tips!

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