Business Growth & Strategy

When Hiring – Use a Rifle, Not a Shotgun

Use a Search Firm When Hiring

When building your company, you need to ask yourself if you have the time and skills to recruit and hire the best people. Or are you merely posting jobs online and hoping to interview a few of the people who might apply.

If you want to build an A level team – you need to use a Search Firm to ensure you get the best candidates.  Email me if you’d Use a Search Firm When Hiringlike an introduction to one of the 3 firms I have all of my clients using

TOP Reasons to use a Search Firm:

  • Your company doesn’t have the time and or manpower to recruit large pools of applications on your own
  • You don’t have the tools, network or process in place to manage the search
  • It is a replacement of a current employee, and it needs to be a (confidential) search
  • You are bound by non-competes, non-solicits, or industry relationships to NOT recruit from your competition. Search Firms can recruit for you!
  • The BEST candidates are not on job boards, nor are they looking for jobs.  The best are highly successful, and they need to be recruited away from their current job.
  • Guaranteed Results – when using a search firm, the placement is guaranteed with a full replacement, if the hiring team is not satisfied
  • Partnership – when using a search firm, the hiring team can count on a lasting partnership when it comes to sourcing industry specific talent ongoing for more job openings.  The search firm become an extension of your company.
  • Credibility – when using a retained search firm, the recruiting team can establish a higher level of credibility with passive candidates
  • Hiring a 3rd party agency gives you the ability to discreetly call into your competitors.
  • Hiring Experts:  Provide consultation and guidance to further define your role and ideal target candidates.
  • Search firms have the strength and focus to reach out to many more candidates.  Search firms expand your pool of candidates and save your company time.
  • You can stay focused on your core business:  Search firms are always hiring and reaching out to thousands of professionals each day.  Outsourcing a critical hire can save you and your team countless hours sourcing, screening, interviewing, and reference checks.
  • Professional search firms offer a consistently objective hiring process, which avoids biases, building continuity throughout the hiring process.  Search firms streamline the hiring process, eliminating many of the variables involved in a critical search.

Email me if you’d like an introduction to one of the 3 firms I have all of my clients using

Category : Business Growth & Strategy Talent Management

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About the Author: Cameron Herold

For over 20 years, Cameron Herold has been coaching, speaking to, and helping entrepreneurs on five continents build their companies. He started BackPocket COO to be able to coach and mentor young, fun companies, and help them make their

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