
Bottom Up Innovation: Engaging Your Entire Workforce to Create Innovating Ideas

Vistage Executive Summits Presents

A Special Interview with Deborah Perry PiscioneDeborah Perry Piscione

Does your company culture empower your employees to achieve their very best in innovation?

In this special edition of the Vistage podcast series, hear from New York Times author, Vorto Consulting principal, and Vistage Executive Summit speaker Deborah Perry Piscione.

Deborah touches on how to:

  • Get your workforce to think beyond the day-to-day to produce innovative ideas
  • Structure your business to create the optimal environment for innovation
  • Make your company’s innovation process successful

You will also learn why it’s important to let your employees experiment in order to grow their talent and benefit your company.

Want to hear more from Deborah?

Attend a Vistage Executive Summit to hear Deborah on how to motivate your employees to produce and execute innovative ideas. Go to to learn more.

Category : Innovation Leadership Competencies

About the Author: Vistage Staff

Vistage facilitates confidential peer advisory groups for CEOs and other senior leaders, focusing on solving challenges, accelerating growth and improving business performance. Over 45,000 high-caliber execu

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  1. Really happy to hear Deborah talk about talent and enabling employees to try out different roles in companies. And measuring their risk tolerance to effectively create a balance inside corporate walls. Terrific interview. Thank you.

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