
4 ways to be a confident and charismatic CEO people will follow [video]

Hello leaders.

Your job is not easy, especially during our current crisis.

Your people are concerned. Many employees have high anxiety and they’re coming to you for all the answers, and guess what? You don’t have them. None of us know when we’re going to be getting back to normal. But what your employees are really looking for is a leader who can lead during this uncertain time.

Your employees want a leader who is honest about the current state of affairs for their business.

They want a leader who can empathize with their concerns. Ultimately, they want a leader who they would follow through this crisis.

So how do you pull that off?

1. Constantly communicate.

Just when you’re thinking, “You know what, I don’t feel like putting out another email update,” or “I don’t want to get out on camera or put together a video conferencing call”— that’s exactly what you should do. Your people want to see you.

2. Be authentic.

Be you. You don’t have to be the professional buttoned up chief executive. Right now, your employees want to see you be personable.

3. Pump it up!

People are craving some energy and excitement to keep them moving right now. If you’re having trouble getting your energy up before you call into your team, here’s a tip: Play your favorite song. Get yourself pumped up to deliver your message. Don’t try to sell it with low energy.

4. Express gratitude.

You need to thank your employees, especially the ones on the video conference call who might ask you a tough question. Think to yourself, “Gratitude is golden.” Thank them for the tough question. Tell them, “You know what? We’re still trying to figure that out. We’ll let you know.”

Your words right now and how you deliver them have the power to change the course of your business.

Be the charismatic leader your people can rally around at a time when coming together matters the most.

Category : Leadership

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About the Author: Katrina Cravy

Katrina Cravy is an Emmy award-winning journalist and founder of CEO Storytellers. Her company matches leaders with former TV journalists to simplify their message and train them to perform for big media interviews

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  1. Hi Katrina, To introduce myself, I am a television producer of a different kind. I have been video recording life stories for almost 40 years in the Ozaukee County and Milwaukee County area. I am on the board of directors for the Ozaukee County Historical Society also I video record life stories for Port Washington Historical Society. Over the years I thought I would share my experiences and knowledge with others, so I developed a cd and book, also a download “How to video a life story”. It is copyrighted and sells on the web as mylivinglegacy.net. If you have the time, would you visit my website and view Forgotten Heroes. I am very passionate about helping others to save a life story especially in these difficult times. My question to you what do you think I can do to do to get national recognition? You can reach me at 262-993-4232.Thanks So Much. P.S I have enjoyed seeing you on the tube over the years, and as a fill in you always bring the show to life with your energy.

  2. Katrina – Thank you for the encouraging words !

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