A 2012 Vistage International Rookie Chair of the Year, Artie Isaac chairs six groups in central Ohio.
The 2013 Vistage International Innovation Speaker of the Year, Artie presents "Problem Solving: Creativity & Collaboration" to Vistage and TEC groups throughout North America. Three additional presentations are in development: levering down time, meditation, and group boost.
Artie has worked for more than 30 years with highly creative people, addressing challenges and opportunities facing more than 1,000 companies. After selling his award-winning advertising agency, Young Isaac, Artie continues to lead corporate brainstorming and idea generation programs to develop new products and save businesses. Artie taught "Personal Creativity" in the business college at Ohio State University and "Marketing: Creativity & Ethics" at the Columbus College of Art & Design.
Artie is a writer, actor, executive coach, corporate trainer, international public speaker -- and a Vistage chair. Artie has earned coaching certifications from the International Coach Federation (PCC) and the Gestalt Institute of Cleveland (GPCC), and as a Board Certified Coach. Yale, BA; Columbia, MBA.