Martin Staubus is the associate director of the Beyster Institute, a university-based center of expertise on employee stock plans based at the Rady School of Management, UC San Diego. The Institute offers consulting services to business leaders, advising on the effective use of employee stock programs. His 30-year professional career has focused on workplace issues, specializing in employee stock ownership arrangements (including ESOPs, stock options, employee purchase plans, synthetic equity and more). He has served as a practicing attorney, with positions at the US Department of Labor and in private practice. From 1988-91 he was the deputy director of the ESOP Association, a trade group of companies with ESOPs based in Washington DC. He has also served as VP of human resources at a Silicon Valley foodservice company and as a consultant to hundreds of business leaders on the effective design and use of employee stock ownership programs. He serves on corporate and non-profit boards of directors. A graduate of UC Berkeley (economics), Martin’s training also includes a law degree and MBA. Martin can be found at the Beyster Institute in La Jolla, CA. Find him on Linked In at Or simply email him at