Economic / Future Trends

Trends affecting business in 2019

Keeping tabs on the trends affecting business in 2019 is imperative for CEOs of small and midsize companies. From a potential recession to the possibilities of 5G technology, there are challenges and opportunities ahead to consider in your strategic planning.

Vistage speaker Marc Emmer, who leads a growth consultancy specializing in strategic planning, created this four-part series to help business leaders understand the developments likely to change the world and business in the year ahead:

  1. Ecological and social trends affecting business in 2019
    • Highlights include federal privacy laws, artificial intelligence in customer service, climate change, and oil prices.
  2. Technology trends affecting business in 2019
    • Among the must-know trends: 5G, SaaS, Internet of Things, and cyber-attacks.
  3. Political trends affecting business in 2019
    • China and international trade, a post-Brexit Europe, and immigration and employment top the list.
  4. Economic trends affecting business in 2019
    • Tariffs, volatility in capital markets, and rising interest rates are just the start.

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Category : Economic / Future Trends

About the Author: Vistage Staff

Vistage facilitates confidential peer advisory groups for CEOs and other senior leaders, focusing on solving challenges, accelerating growth and improving business performance. Over 45,000 high-caliber execu

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  1. Are there also not factors such as the active participation of multiple generations with different outlooks, the compositional differences of retirees to working, the available computing resources through the digilitalization of societies among many more others? These along with the transition from fossil fuels to renewables impact the way organizations need to be led. I believe leadership is no longer in the hands of a few but widely dispersed among all members of the humanity. Given freedom and opportunities humanity might leap forward for its betterment and not stagnate into missed opportunities.

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