Financial Management

The taxing tasks of tax day

You cannot avoid taxes. They are an inevitable part of doing business. But a little knowledge can help businesses implement a more streamlined, efficient and informed approach to tax preparation. Take a look at some of the assets that the experts at Vistage have on hand to help with the taxing task of tax preparation.

5 things SMBs need to know about the new tax plan

The new tax reform bill creates a new playing field for 2018 taxes. How will the legislation impact businesses in the next few years? Read this special report to get the facts around five major issues that SMBs must stay on top of under the new tax landscape.

Depreciation: A key benefit of tax reform for SMBs

Watch this webinar-on-demand to learn more about the particular ways that the tax reform bill benefits small and midsize businesses. Vistage director of research, Anne Petrik, moderates an informative panel discussion with three tax and finance experts.

How to leverage automation for next year’s tax season

Do you think it’s too early to start preparing next year’s taxes? It’s not. Read about some simple practices to put into place to keep your accounting organized, and ways automation can help you with your accounting tasks, so you can avoid tax day dread next year.

Category : Financial Management

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About the Author: Vistage Staff

Vistage facilitates confidential peer advisory groups for CEOs and other senior leaders, focusing on solving challenges, accelerating growth and improving business performance. Over 45,000 high-caliber execu

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