Vistage on the Hill 2024: Face-to-face, toe-to-toe on policy
When you look at the legislative landscape, the stakes for small and midsize businesses have never been higher. SMBs are the cornerstone of healthy communities, driving economic growth, creating jobs and solving challenges. We take our commitment to championing them seriously.
That’s why we formed a strategic partnership six years ago with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the leading advocacy group for U.S. businesses. The goal is to give CEOs and business owners the opportunity to influence legislation that affects business and get the inside track on policy issues to help make better decisions.

The power of that relationship was on full display at our 6th annual Vistage on the Hill event this summer. We brought a select group of award-winning Vistage CEO members to Washington D.C. to meet with the Chamber. They came from all over the country and represented a range of industries. Each leader shared the no-holds-barred reality of what it’s like to run a small or midsize business in today’s world.
“We’ve been really hit hard with taxes, inflation and regulatory pieces,” says Jackie Robles, President of Anita’s Snack Foods & La Reina, Inc. in Los Angeles, California. “I need to know what’s coming down the pipeline to make decisions for the organization and think ahead.”
For others, finding labor, trade with China and artificial intelligence were the biggest areas of concern.
Real-world examples help the Chamber analysts advocate for pro-business policies. “Every time I talk with the Vistage members, there are always explicit examples,” says Allison Dembeck, the Chamber’s Vice President of Labor and Education. “That just makes a world of difference in my understanding of the problems, and it informs my decisions when I talk to members of the House and Senate.”
Join us on Nov. 15 when the U.S. Chamber’s Chief of Staff, Ron Eidshaug, discusses the key policies and legislative agendas impacting the U.S. business community in a member-exclusive discussion.
Dembeck and several other top Chamber analysts briefed attendees, sharing what they’re hearing on the Hill and their perspectives. They discussed world trade, the impact of AI, labor legislation and small business policy. Those inputs provide fodder for making decisions.
“I coach 102 business leaders,” says Jeff Hutsell, a Vistage Chair based in Kansas City. “We’re all in the business of doing what we can to improve the value of our decisions. When you have more clarity, the better decisions you’re going to make.”
“This type of access is unprecedented for me and most of my peers,” says Jennifer Lee, Co-CEO & President of Intradiem in Alpharetta, Arizona. “To get in front of the people who are representing us with policymakers and representing the interests of our business face to face, ask them questions and hear updates on what’s going on, is just an invaluable experience.”
Meghan Hovee, CEO of Hovee & Company in Kansas City, says the Vistage on the Hill experience has inspired her to continue advocating. “It’s time to really keep the conversation going, be more involved, and help contribute to the opportunities to engage with the people who are impacting our everyday lives through policy.”
At Vistage, we are deeply committed to further advocating for small and midsize businesses through our relationship with the U.S. Chamber. We plan to be on Capitol Hill each and every year with a new contingent of leaders who can raise their collective voice and inspire actions that lead to policies that help our membership and U.S. businesses as a whole.
Related Resources
Nov. 15 webinar: A look at the new Congress with the U.S. Chamber [Member Exclusive]