
How’s Your Customer Experience?

One of the interesting “aha moments” for most Vistage group members comes when they discover how the standards for the customer experience can differ so much across industries. What appears acceptable in one industry (responding to a customer request within 24 hours), can be perceived as appallingly slow in another.  So rather than compare yourself to competitors in your industry, you might find it worthwhile to broaden your view.  According to Michel Falcon, it’s time to look at the best examples of seamless customer service from a range of industries and set your own standard of excellence. Companies who approach their customers from this perspective will likely be the ones to prevail in the years ahead.

Michel helps organizations build the right strategies to improve their customer and employee experience.  He has consulted for McDonald’s, BlueCross BlueShield, Domino’s, Tangerine Bank, Dunkin’ Brands and Lexus, among others.  Michel suggests that you can start the process of creating a uniquely special customer experience by looking at three areas.

Here at Vistage, we tend to look at these areas in question form: 

1) How can I make the customer experience seamless?

2) How can I provide greater immediacy?

3) How can I invent needs and meet them in unexpected ways that will delight my customer?

Michel spoke at our Vistage Executive Summit in Philadelphia earlier this week, and he’s presenting a webinar on May 1, titled, “Six Proven Ways to Innovate Your Customer Experience and Grow Your Business.”  I invite you register for Michel’s webinar here to find out how you can delight your customers in the months and years ahead.

It’s one thing to know what to do; it’s quite another to learn exactly how to do it. What are some of your best practices when it comes to customer experience?

Category : Innovation Retention & Engagement

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About the Author: Leon Shapiro

Leon was named CEO of Vistage effective March 31, 2013. He is also a Director at The Advisory Board Company (NASDAQ: ABCO) and eTouches Inc. Between 2007 and 2011, Leon served as Senior Vice President, Strategy and Operations, at Warner Musi…

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