Mission, Vision, Purpose

Alan Mulally: The value of aligning “your life’s work”

Alan Mulally, the CEO best known for turning around Ford and Boeing, believes making an impact on others comes from choosing your “life’s work” and sharing it with others. And after participating in several peer advisory group sessions, he’s seen firsthand how Vistage Chairs embrace that principle. 

Vistage Chairs — many of whom are former CEOs themselves — live their “life’s work” by guiding leaders through tough challenges and helping them make better decisions. 

They create a safe environment for CEOs to talk about what going on, share their thoughts with the group and learn from each other, Mulally says. “When they walk away from those meetings, not only are the participants excited and motivated, so are the Chairs.”

In this clip, Mulally explains how Vistage Chairs are making a significant difference by choosing their life’s work to serve as executive coaches and mentors.


Related resources

Full presentation from Alan Mulally (Vistage members only)

Category : Mission, Vision, Purpose

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About the Author: Vistage Staff

Vistage facilitates confidential peer advisory groups for CEOs and other senior leaders, focusing on solving challenges, accelerating growth and improving business performance. Over 45,000 high-caliber execu

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