29 Skills, Beliefs, and Core Values on Achieving Success

A reader asks:
“Jeff, I know there’s no secret to success, but if there’s one skill or behavior to master, what would it be?”
You’re right. One fact, quality or asset is seldom the difference between triumph and defeat. It’s the combination, mix or “total package” that catapults winners to victory.
For example, the belief that “attitude is everything” is really a misnomer. For without action or the right behaviors, it’s merely an empty and meaningless slogan.
I know lots of folks with great attitudes, but they do nothing! Well, okay, that’s not fair. They do have lofty goals, yet no plan to achieve them. And then, they concoct creative excuses as to why they fell short.
It’s usually the fault of the economy, changing market conditions, crazy customers, even crazier competitors, lousy pricing, poor products, yadda, yadda, yadda. The list, along with the whines and complaints are endless.
Years ago, I asked a client and his team, “If you were to create the ideal sales person or business pro, what would they do, have or be?”
As you’ll soon see, their responses are interesting and insightful. And, they’re also applicable to you and your life and business.
Here’s their original list of 29 key skills, beliefs or core values on achieving success:
1. honest
2. positive attitude
3. good listener
4. asks great questions
5. seeks referrals
6. strong self-esteem and a big ego
7. disciplined and focused
8. effective time or self-manager
9. organized
10. knows how to overcome objections
11. has written goals
12. monitors metrics, results and outcomes
13. persuasive communicator: spoken and written word
14. works well with internal and external customers
15. is constantly learning, i.e., reading, listening to CDs, etc.
16. maximizes relationships
17. networks within the industry
18. technology competent
19. knows how to identify and strategize opportunities
20. persistent
21. open to new ideas
22. willingness to change / upgrade
23. effective at follow-up
24. honors commitments and deliverables
25. has a strong values base
26. is a positive reflection of or an ambassador of…their company
27. is not easily discouraged
28. knows how to deal with business rejection
29. knowledgeable, yet has easy access to resources for other stuff, etc.
While the list is in no particular order, “honesty” was the first quality mentioned. Plain and simple, that’s a non-negotiable.
While time and space don’t give us the luxury now, to address all 29, let’s focus on:
23. effective at follow-up and
24. honors commitments and deliverables
These are so basic, yet often ignored. How often have you had some body promise to do something, yet fail to do it? Hey, I know, on occasion, “stuff happens” and you might blow it, but if it’s a regular occurrence it’s a financial faux pas. (And if you do blow it, apologize. Fast! Most folks are understanding and reasonable.)
If it happens once, you might earn a “Mulligan.” If it happens twice, you’ve demonstrated a dangerous trend. And you’re likely to lose business. Repeatedly. Ouch!
There’s no magic here. If you say you’re gonna do it, do it. Make the call. Send the stuff. Do the deed. Whatever “it” is, make it happen. Hold yourself accountable.
It’s amazing when I hear someone sheepishly exclaim, “I forgot to jot it down!” Huh?! Put it in your PDA. Write it on a napkin. Scrawl it on the back of your hand. Draw it on an Etch-A Sketch!
You’re compensated for results, not lame excuses.
On the evening of December 15th, 2004, I was on a flight from St. Louis back to Chicago. My seatmate was an executive with a consulting firm. As we chatted, he exhibited an enthusiastic passion for sales, leadership and new knowledge. When I asked him if he’d like to receive The Results Report, our complimentary e-zine, he said, “Absolutely!”
The next day, I sent him two recent issues.
On the 17th, he replied:
“Thanks for sending me your newsletter. I enjoyed it very much and enjoyed chatting on the plane. I’ve met many people on flights who promised to send me stuff, but I’ve rarely actually gotten anything. Hope our paths cross again.”
Hmmm. Interesting. I simply did, what I promised to do. And apparently, I was in the minority.
You see, that’s the point. Many folks, your competitors, are merely mediocre. They’re average. The things they do to distinguish themselves, are all too often the wrong things. And they generate the wrong results.
I didn’t perform any heroic acts here. Jump through hoops. Or leap tall buildings. But he acknowledged and was grateful for my “follow-up.” It became a positive distinction. A valuable differentiator.
Profit Points:
– at the end of a meeting or communication, (in-person, via the phone or e-mail), do you create a list of deliverables, or review i.e., who, will do what, by when
– do you clearly communication the “next steps”
– do you create deadlines
– do you honor them
– do you keep things moving forward
– do you continually create the perception and reality, that you’re reliable and focused on results
– do you accept the fact, that while others may forgive, they seldom forget, that you forgot
Category : Business Operations