Customer Engagement

Creating a proactive customer experience [video]

“One needs to aggressively solicit complaints to find out what problems to solve.” — John Goodman

Look for problems before the customer finds them

When it comes to the customer experience, it benefits CEOs to think proactively and uncover, announce, and solve problems before customers become agitated. And the reason is simple enough, says Vistage Chair and speaker John Goodman. Only one of out every four dissatisfied customers ever contacts the company, meaning you could potentially lose millions from those aggrieved patrons without ever knowing it.

Goodman outlines the keys to creating a customer service experience that seeks out and addresses problems before they become angry tweets sent to a company’s account, as well as ways to reasonably address the issues for dissatisfied customers. Using technology and surveys, with an eye toward frank and honest communication,  a company can approach problems as opportunities to improve customer experience and make that potential service disaster resolve as a best-case scenario.

Read more on this topic: Customer growth: Decisions for SMB CEOs

Category : Customer Engagement

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About the Author: Glenn Jeffers

Glenn Jeffers is an award-winning journalist and content creator. He is currently the editorial lead for Vistage Perspectives magazine and manager of the Vistage Research Centers. Previously, he was the editor of Kellogg, the alu

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