Product & Pricing

Strategic pricing when inflation crashes into recession

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Inflation is impacting small and midsize businesses in a variety of ways. As a result, our research shows that 75% of CEOs plan to raise prices over the next 12 months. At the same time, record-setting inflation has created an environment ripe for recession. How should businesses manage ongoing inflation with a slowing economy? In this period of softening demand and rising costs, CEOs need to be vigilant about their pricing strategies.

In this webinar, Vistage speaker Casey Brown, CEO of Boost Profits, shares how to adapt your pricing strategy in these uncertain times. Watch this session to learn:

  • The importance of surgical price change to improve profits and minimize volume risk
  • Confidence-building pricing communication tactics
  • Best practices for adjusting your pricing strategy as demand decreases even as costs rise

You can also download Casey’s workbook on how to manage price objections. 

About the presenter 

As President of Boost Profits, Casey Brown leads a group of consultants who help companies sell more at higher prices to increase profit. She is a highly sought-after speaker on the topic of commanding excellent pricing for the value provided. Her 2015 TedX talk has accumulated over 4 million views to date, and the Boost Profits blog — of which she is a co-author — has been named a Top 50 Blog. Casey’s unique background in engineering, Six Sigma and pricing strategy for multiple Fortune 500 companies provides a rich backdrop of real-world application which has helped establish her as an expert in helping clients discover their true pricing power and watch their profits rise as a result.

Related Resources 

The CEO Pulse: Inflation Resource Center

Category : Product & Pricing

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About the Author: Anne Petrik

As Vice President of Research for Vistage, Anne Petrik is instrumental in the creation of original thought leadership designed to inform the decision-making of CEOs of small and midsize businesses. These perspectives — shared through repo

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