Business Growth & Strategy

Riding the CEO Rollercoaster: Maximize the Highs, Minimize the Lows

Vistage Executive Summits Present

A Special Interview with Cameron Herold

Riding the CEO Rollercoaster: Maximize the Highs, Minimize the Lows

As a CEO, executive or business owner, how do you ride the highs and lows of business? Cameron Herold

In this special edition of the Vistage podcast series, hear from BackPocket COO and Vistage Executive Summit speaker Cameron Herold.

Cameron touches on how to:

  • Capitalize on the highs and channel that energy into results
  • Manage the low times in your business (include what NOT to take action on)
  • To be more aware of the different stages and emotions we experience every day

You will also learn which disease is called “the CEO’s disease” in this quick but compelling talk.

Want to hear more from Cameron?
Attend a Vistage Executive Summit to hear Cameron on how to build a world-class culture. Go to to learn more.

Category : Business Growth & Strategy Leadership Competencies

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About the Author: Vistage Staff

Vistage facilitates confidential peer advisory groups for CEOs and other senior leaders, focusing on solving challenges, accelerating growth and improving business performance. Over 45,000 high-caliber execu

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