Talent Management

The talent wars: maximize your employees’ value

  Watch the webinar 6 Key Hiring Trends for 2018

Issues like recruiting, training, and retention top the list of challenges that Vistage members continue to face.

As an addendum to Joe Galvin’s Inc. Magazine article on five key strategies to find and keep the best employees, I offer related advice.

Seven ways to attract and retain top talent and maximize their value to your company:

  1. Focus on culture and better understand what employees care about and provide all that you can to them. (Hint, younger generations are looking especially for: purpose, flexibility, collaborative leadership, growth opportunities, frequent feedback, and work-life balance.)
  2. Lead with a shared sense of purpose that all generations can find meaningful.
  3. Ensure you stay agile by hiring for adaptability and diversity and investing in new technologies that foster connection.
  4. Get rid of old-fashioned hierarchical structures and act more as a facilitator than a manager.
  5. Connect people through collaboration and teamwork in order to spark innovation and solve complex problems.
  6. Communicate openly, listen more, and give and get feedback frequently.
  7. Invest heavily in professional development and training for your people.

Read more on this topic: Win the war for talent in the year ahead

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About the Author: Kathleen Quinn Votaw

Kathleen Quinn Votaw is Founder and CEO of TalenTrust and KQV Speaks. She is the author of two books, Solve

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