Succession Planning

Identifying the leaders for your succession plan [video]

“What if, instead of picking a leader, you let the leaders rise to the top?” — Scot Hunsaker

The will and ability to lead

Succession planning is one of any CEO’s top concerns, as evidenced by Vistage CEO Confidence Index Surveys.  It’s also a topic that goes unaddressed by many CEOs. Nearly three-fourths of those surveyed admit to having no written succession plan, and one third admit that their leadership team does not have the information to run the company on their own.

Vistage member and speaker, CEO Scot Hunsaker discusses a unique approach to filling the leadership gap when it comes to creating a succession plan: allow talented individuals to identify themselves by rising to the top. Hunsaker’s exercise invests high performers with the agency to set themselves apart through individual initiatives within the company’s strategic plan. The method results in an efficient, accurate self-selection process.

More on this topic: How to improve your organization’s succession planning

Are you a Vistage member? Watch the full version of Scot Hunsaker’s remarks on Vistage Studio.

Category : Succession Planning

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About the Author: Vistage Staff

Vistage facilitates confidential peer advisory groups for CEOs and other senior leaders, focusing on solving challenges, accelerating growth and improving business performance. Over 45,000 high-caliber execu

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